KEA Career Day: IT, Communication, Marketing

Are you looking for an internship, a study job or a fulltime position - then sign up for KEAs Career Day!

45 companies have signed up, and they are looking forward to meeting you.

Two weeks before the career day you will receive a link by mail, where you can get an overview of the participating companies including links to their job openings.

Looking forward to seeing you!

don't forget to sign up via this link (NEW LINK NEEDED)

The Career day is targeted students and graduates from the following study programmes.

  • Computer Science
  • Design technology - Marketing & Communication Design
  • Design & Business - Brand Design og Communication Design Media
  • Multi media design
  • Software development
  • Web development
  • Business Economy & IT

sign up via this link (NEW LINK NEEDED)


Resto, Guldbergsgade, Guldbergsgade 29N, 2200 København N