KEA Alumne is a free network for you who have graduated from KEA. The network gives you the opportunity to keep in touch with KEA by meeting or revisiting former fellow students and strengthening your professional network and your career.
For alumni
Network only for KEA
The KEA Alumni Network is for you who studies or has studied at KEA
The KEA Alumni Network allows you to strengthen your professional network and your career.
Professional sparring
Get close to 3.000 sparring partners to help you with jobs, career opportunities and much more.
We like to meet for cozy, social events such as KEA Alumni New Year's receptions.
Workshops and career days
We hold everything from CV and LinkedIn workshops and Made@KEA to career days for alle KEA's educations.
Access to Labs and library
We give you continued access to the library, MakerLab, Lab 16, Tech & Story Lab and Circular Material Lab. Read about access to labs and library
Newsletter only for KEA Alumni
Stay up to date with what is going on in the network, at KEA and in the labor market.
Sign up for the newsletter
Remember to join KEA Alumni
Join the LinkedIn group: KEA Alumni - your professional network and sign up for the newsletter
KEA Alumi has given me drive for my future career. I get inspired and have the opportunity to expand my network significantly with people who have other skills than myself.
The Alumni network is on LinkedIn
In the LinkedIn group, you can follow news, job postings, events and other relevant posts for you as an alumnus. Join the alumni network in our closed LinkedIn group.
The KEA Alumni Network is an innovative network with exciting presentations and the opportunity to meet potential collaboration partners and colleagues or simply to follow what is happening in your profession.
The idea behind
The idea of the profile of the month is to continuously show the diversity of our alumni, and inspire to both networking and collaboration. At the same time, you’ll get an insight into the exciting positions and tasks KEA Alumni has. You’ll also hear about alumni who have done something extraordinary in their field. We look forward to telling you about a new profile every month.
Only interviews with international alumni or alumni working in international companys will be published in English. If you wish to see our full list of Alumni of the month, you can find all articles on Please note that the articles will be in Danish.
Nominate alumni of the month
For the selection of the profile of the month, we look at the following criteria:
- Alumnus working with a project or in a company that is particularly interesting and unique
- Alumnus having achieved something unique in their career e.g. started their own business, had an article published or been part of a project
- It could be a star example of an alumnus who is a really good source of inspiration, a KEA mentor, someone who contributes with content in the alumni network or shows a loyal relationship with KEA.
Send an email to with the name, KEA education, email address, graduation year, if relevant, and the reasons why this particular KEA alumnus should be Alumni of the Month.
Labs and library
KEA has a number of labs and workshops, which will now also be available to alumni.
In Maker Lab and Lab16 it is possible to get access to 3D printers, laser cutters, robots and much more. You can also access Tech & Story Lab (formerly Tech Lounge).
Read about Maker Lab Read about Lab 16 Read about Tech & Story Lab
Book lab
KEA Library
You are free to use KEA Library in Guldbergsgade to sit and work, read and to borrow books. Simply register with the library staff so they have your up-dated details.
When you are in the library, you can access all the databases available via the IP address. Unfortunately, those that require a KEA login are not available.
Contact the reception in Guldbergsgade when you arrive and they will make sure you can enter.