Do you dream about becoming a key person in the building and construction industry?

Architectural Technology and Construction Management
At the Architectural Technology and Construction Management programme, students will learn about the building process from sketching on the drawing board to being on the construction site. Thrir role will be to coordinate and lead the many technical and administrative activities in the building process.
There are ample opportunities to combine practical experience and theoretical knowledge. Students can choose from the following specialisations:
- Design Consultancy
- Construction Management
- Facility Management
Exchange at Architectural Technology and Construction Management
Exchange students are accepted into the 4th year of the programme.
The programme of the semester is fixed.
Semester dates
Fall 2025
Semester dates will be updated at soon as possible
Overview of the semester
The exchange semester consists of two modules.
High-Rise Construction of more than 3 Floors (15 ECTS)
National subject element High-rise Residential Construction of more than 3 Floors consists of a cross-disciplinary project based on a specific residential construction of more than 3 floors. The subject element makes up 15 ECTS and includes the following subject areas:
- Communication and Cooperation (5 ECTS)
- Production (5 ECTS)
- Project Planning (5 ECTS)
The student will gain knowledge about:
- complex constructions and building-technical principles, including statics and technical installations, and reflection on these principles
- common communication methods, tools, and standards in connection with digital project planning and an ability to reflect on digital systems and methods applied by the profession
- complex production and completion methods and the ability to reflect on these methods
- scientific theoretical principles and methods relevant to the practice of the profession
- relevant social, environmental, financial, and technological aspects in the project planning and production process.
The student will get the skills to:
- apply and master methods and tools to collect, analyse, and process information
- apply methods for planning, coordination, and project design of a digital cross-disciplinary process, including considerations about completion, operation, and maintenance
- master the skills associated with the planning and management of the completion
- apply digital building information models (BIMs), transfer and extract data between different digital platforms and information systems
- communicate digital project and documentation materials as a basis for digital construction management
- communicate and assess practice-orientated and professional issues, account for and choose solutions for business partners and users.
The student will learn to:
- manage documented analysis of complex and relevant building-technical issues
- manage complex digital project planning and production in consideration of social, environmental, and financial aspects
- manage the project planning and completion process in consideration of societal and technological conditions
- independently participate in a cross-disciplinary cooperation on planning, project design, and implementation of construction projects
- identify their own learning requirements and develop their own knowledge, skills, and competencies.
The Climate Screen (15 ECTS)
The local subject element in the 4th semester focuses on larger buildings over 1000 m2. The emphasis is on analyzing, designing, and executing office buildings or larger public buildings designed for many people. Buildings with features such as suspended glass facades, flat roofs, and large open office landscapes present many building physics and construction challenges. The subject element is placed in the 4th semester immediately following the compulsory course, concluding with an exam shared with the compulsory course and with an overall assessment.
The subject element comprises 15 ECTS and includes the following subject areas:
- Production (5 ECTS)
- Design (10 ECTS)
In relation to the local subject element, the student should:
- Be able to understand and reflect on the complexity of designing the climate screen including function, structure, building physics, production, operation, and demolition.
- Understand the complexity of structural design of the building system, including understanding of static principles and connections in the climate screen, including facade and balcony suspension.
- Understand and reflect on challenges related to indoor climate, such as sound, light, overheating, and ventilation.
- Have basic knowledge and understanding of geotechnics and soil investigations.
- Knowledge of relevant social, environmental, economic, and technological aspects in the design and production process, including optimization of material consumption and design for disassembly.
- Understand and reflect on planning and operation of the construction site during design and execution.
In relation to the local subject element, the student should be able to:
- Document climate adaptation regarding wind, water, and temperature, e.g., explain access conditions, LUR and/or LAR.
- Document and illustrate building physics and construction solutions as well as details of the climate screen.
- Argue for and document indoor climate solutions, e.g., using light and energy calculations.
- Document and explain solutions related to operation and recycling based on determination of the building's climate load and choice of optimal materials, structures, and installations.
- Document risk management specific to the climate screen, including design and occupational safety.
- Document location-based principles for execution schedule.
- Facilitate digital information flow in the construction phases and between construction actors.
The student should have the competence to:
- Prepare relevant sections in construction documentation, as well as selected drawing material in the fire strategy report.
- Handle and design complex facade constructions, including building technical issues related to facade closure.
- Handle digital building information models and transfer and extract data between different digital platforms and information systems.
- Calculate and assess the building's energy balance and energy framework.
- Prepare construction site plans and undertake contracting.
Study culture & requirements as an exchange student at KEA
To assure a successful exchange experience at KEA, it is critical that incoming exchange students understand and are prepared to comply with the following:
Students are expected to attend all lectures throughout the semester in order to acquire the needed skills to pass the exams at the end.
Even if attendance is not registered, our experience is that students will only be able to pass their exam projects in the end, if they have attended all or most lectures.
Independent study skills
In addition to attending lectures, it is very important that students have a certain self-discipline and are able to work independently and with their groups on a daily basis throughout the semester.
This means that even if the fixed schedule of lectures appear light, students at KEA are expected to dedicate around 40 hours per week of studying and working with their groups in order to be equipped for the final exams.
At KEA, and in Denmark in general, you are always expected to be on time (for classes, for advising sessions, for meetings with your group, for work, and for any other appointment).
We know punctuality varies a lot from one culture to another, however, we would like to emphasize the importance of this in Danish culture to our visiting exchange students as it can otherwise become a reason for frustration and resentment in various social and study settings.
Prerequisites to pass the exams
To acquire the skills and competencies needed to pass the exams at KEA, it is expected that students attend minimum 90 % of lectures, group meetings and dedicate the remaining hours of a full-time week to independent studying of the curriculum and project work with the group.
Additionally, students are expected to attend ALL Q&A’s and advising sessions with lecturers, where info about exams and other big projects will be given (only once).
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