KEA trains and educates resourceful employees for business and industry, who possess practical skills and theoretical insight in design, technology and business.

We are driven by a strong determination. Our students make things happen by combining practical skills with theoretical insight. At KEA, we turn theory into practice. Our students learn to translate technology into sustainable solutions for the benefit of business and industry and our common future.
Our higher education programmes have a duration of 2 to 4 years—and the companies out in the real world are waiting for you. Business and industry demand employees with an innovative and creative drive, who are able to contribute solutions to the challenges of the future through interdisciplinary collaboration. That is why all our programmes are based on KEA’s 3 strategic benchmarks: Sustainability, Technology, and Business - and especially the cross field between them.
At KEA, we take an explorative and experimental approach to advances in technology. KEA is a valued educational partner for business and industry because our study and learning environment reflects the local and global reality of the companies.
Our dedicated staff set the bar high, and our students are inquisitive, passionate and creative agents of change. Together, we strive to make a positive impression on the world.
At KEA, we get to work on the future. Every day.

Our mission
We want to train and educate resourceful employees for business and industry, who possess practical skills and theoretical insight in design, technology and business.
Our ambitions
1 KEA offers attractive programmes developed in collaboration with business and industry
2 KEA trains and educates innovative graduates, who create value from day 1
3 KEA is a valued development partner for the industries
4 KEA has a study environment with technologies reflecting the reality faced by the industries
5 KEA supports diversity and equips the students for their future lives and careers

A sustainable mindset
Why is sustainability a strategic benchmark?
The future is sustainable. End of discussion! The world community is facing major global challenges that call for action.
Our graduates must help the companies innovate and design sustainable solutions that contribute positively to our common future. The UN's global goals are therefore very important.
How does KEA work with sustainability in the programmes?
KEA wants to be an incubator for sustainable development. We want to strengthen the programmes' focus on sustainability - socially, climatically and financially.
We want to work with innovative and technological solutions to accelerate a green transition of business and industry. Therefore, the companies' specific challenges must be at the core of our teaching.
We want to push for gender diversity and students with different cultural backgrounds in the programmes.
What does KEA do to strengthen its efforts in sustainability?
At KEA we want to intensify our sustainability efforts in a broad sense. As an institution, we strive for social sustainability, diversity and inclusion in all areas. We take sustainability seriously, and we want to reduce our own carbon footprint year after year.
Sustainability must be a clear marker in our projects and daily activities. Among other things, it must be present in our labs and in our collaboration with the companies on the development and implementation of sustainable solutions. All KEA employees must play an active role in these efforts.

Advanced Technology
Why is technology a strategic benchmark?
The world is in motion. We must keep abreast. Technological developments are rapidly changing the way we live and work, and new technological advances are affecting all industries.
KEA wants to train and educate technologically competent employees and business leaders. They must be curious, and they must master advanced technology. At the same time they must be critical of and reflect on the selection and use of technological solutions.
How does KEA work with technology in the programmes?
KEA wants to be a technological playground, each programme ensuring that our students come across innovative technologies. In our labs we will prototype sustainable solutions together with the companies.
We want to strengthen the students' courage and ability to explore new paths in digitisation and automation. This way, our graduates can help improve the industries.
What does KEA do to strengthen its technological efforts?
KEA wants to be among the frontrunners in Denmark when it comes to utilising digital and technological solutions, and we want to strengthen our programmes and workflows through increased use of digital tools.
Our study and learning environment must reflect the reality the companies are faced with, and we want to further develop our labs and technological capacity through strategic cooperation with companies.
To be a frontrunner, we must ensure that our employees acquire new competencies in order to be at the cutting edge of the technological advances.

Solid Business Understanding
Why is business understanding a benchmark?
The bottom line of the future is diverse. It makes demands on all of us. Companies have to develop new innovative business models in order to contribute to a green transformation, act ethically sound and be financially profitable. Our graduates must help companies create business through a high degree of professionalism, broad business understanding, interdisciplinary competencies and insight into the entire value chain. Our graduates must also be equipped to start their own business.
How does KEA work with business understanding in the programmes?
KEA's range of programmes must have a sharp focus on how to translate technical knowledge into sustainable business.
Through collaboration with companies and knowledge institutions, we want to strengthen the students’ insight into the industries and the companies' own business foundation, so that they can contribute to the bottom line from day 1. We want to make our study and learning environment with its technological workshops the best playground for innovative and creative students.
We want our students to take pride in their professional knowledge and skills, and it must be clear to them how they can bring their skills into play when they get a job or start their own business.
What does KEA do to strengthen its efforts in business understanding?
KEA is a professional organisation, and the employees always have the interests of students and partners at heart.
We want to promote flexible teaching and learning methods that suit students and companies, and we want to develop our administrative processes through new digital opportunities. This requires a sharp focus on recruitment, skills development and committed employees who can contribute quality in everything we do.