Increased digitalisation in design and construction production can become a lever for the productivity development of construction.
The aim of the project was to strengthen the digital skills of small and medium-sized construction companies (SMEs) by increasing their understanding of technology and awareness of the possibilities of using new technology.
A digital competence boost for smvs in the construction industry
The project has led to a free skills development course for small and medium-sized contractors, who often face challenges when they have to carry out digital tenders. The skills development course focuses on digital tools within design and construction production and is tailored to the individual company.
Three afternoons and three digital tools
Each employee who participates in the free skills development course will need to spend only three afternoons, or 15 man-hours in total, away from work. The teaching is paid for by EU funds, and all the company has to do is to provide the following three digital tools: BlueBeam, Sigma Calculation and Vico Office Schedule Planner. The tools can be downloaded as a trial version, and students receive training in how to use the tools.
Komdigital is responsible for the skills development course
The skills development course takes place at KomDigital. KomDigital is a partnership between several knowledge institutions and representatives of the labour market in the Capital Region. KomDigital offers various courses for SMEs up to and including 2022. The courses focus on the possibilities of exploiting new technology.
Project idea and process
The idea for the skills development course focusing on small and medium-sized construction enterprises was developed by Jan Fuglsig Lambrecht, lecturer at KEA. The idea for a skills course was in part inspired by his previous job experience as a consultant at the Danish Technological Institute and at Danish Standards.
Workshop with three construction companies
KEA BUILD conducted a workshop with each of the companies Egon Olsen & Søn Ltd., Allan Ploug Ltd., and Børge Nielsen Ltd. The course consisted of three workshops with the following themes:
- Scrutiny of tender documents
- Tender evaluation
- Construction production planning (using the principle Location Based Scheduling).
Based on the experience from the workshop, KEA Build developed the digital skills development course, which is now a free tailor-made offer at KomDigital.
More knowledge and a strengthened network
The workshop gave the teachers from the Architectural Technology and Construction Management programme at KEA an opportunity to update their knowledge of the challenges facing the construction industry. They also strengthened their network with SMEs in the industry. This is of benefit to the students at KEA because the teachers have gained a greater knowledge of the field of practice.
Financing and cooperation
The project is EU-funded and aims to increase digitalisation in the construction industry. The project is led by DTU and is a collaboration between the educational institutions DTU, CBS and KEA and the trade unions FH Hovedstaden and IDA plus several other organisations.
Development project with scalable delivery models
The KomDigital project has also paved the way for KEA Build to participate in the development project "Experiments with Scalable Delivery Models" under the auspices of LearningHub. LearningHub is part of SmartLearning, which is owned by eight Danish business academies.
The purpose of the project is to develop and test digital skills development courses for Architectural Technology and Construction Management students and construction companies, but also to develop and offer short courses in building technologies and financial systems. The concept of scalability must be understood broadly, because the project both looks at e.g. the number of course participants, the type of participating companies and the geographical starting point.
Read about the experiment with scalable delivery models (FSL) in danish
Contact person
Jan Fuglsig Lambrecht (
Project partners
SmartLearning, ZEALAND, KEA, EASV og CPHBUSINESS, HK og Teknisk Landsforbund.